Phoenix Decubitus Ulcers Lawyers
One of the most common injuries sustained in a nursing home is a bed sore (also called pressure ulcers and decubitus ulcers). Bed sores are lesions in the skin caused by constant pressure on an area of skin where the body has little natural cushioning. This can include the tailbone (coccyx), spine, buttocks or heels. It is important to realize that the elderly have thinner skin, so the danger of bed sores becomes even more serious.
When this danger is overlooked, a bed sore develops and becomes infected, serious tissue damage to muscle or bones can result. It can even be fatal.
Nursing homes have an obligation to identify the risk of bed sores and implement a preventative care plan. Federal and state regulations specify nursing home care for residents to prevent these sores. This can include nutrition, hydration and repositioning, as well as utilization of equipment, including special mattresses, beds, heel protectors and boots to prevent bed sores.
If a loved one has sustained injury due to bed sore, we are prepared to help you obtain the compensation and accountability you deserve.
Mesa Bedsores Injury Attorneys
Because we have cultivated a comprehensive knowledge of nursing home malpractice issues in more than 30 years of practice, we are prepared to bring our expertise regarding the Adult Protective Services Act to recover all possible damages and help you reach an ideal outcome in negotiation or litigation.
When you or someone you care about has been seriously injured, talk to one of Arizona’s attorneys about your options. To schedule a free initial consultation with our Phoenix lawyers, contact Harris Powers & Cunningham at 602-910-6779.