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Medical negligence throughout pregnancy can cause birth injuries

On Behalf of | May 14, 2024 | Birth Injuries


Birth injuries are very serious incidents that can affect your child for the rest of their life. The possibility of them occurring due to medical negligence during pregnancy can be frightening. Unfortunately, negligence from medical professionals might impact your child’s well-being and increase the odds of a birth injury long before the due date. Medical negligence can occur if your provider fails to respond promptly and appropriately to complications during labor. It is crucial to recognize potential signs of negligence to safeguard your child’s health.

Knowing the types of medical negligence to watch for during your pregnancy can help you prevent a worst-case scenario. Here are some key points to consider:

Premature delivery

  • A premature birth is one that occurs before the completion of a full 37 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Babies who are born before completing a full 37 weeks of pregnancy have a higher chance of disability or complications due to incomplete development.
  • Your doctor has the responsibility to recognize the signs of premature delivery and to prescribe medication that will attempt to stop premature labor or aid fetal development.

Harmful prescription or misdiagnosis

  • Negligence can occur if a doctor prescribes medication that could harm the fetus at any point in the pregnancy.
  • Similarly, your doctor must be attentive when diagnosing conditions that could affect delivery.
  • Conditions like gestational diabetes or genital herpes need careful monitoring to ensure the best outcome for both mother and baby.

Lack of Monitoring During Pregnancy

  • Negligence can occur if a doctor prescribes medication that could harm the fetus at any point in the pregnancy.
  • Similarly, your doctor must be attentive when diagnosing conditions that could affect delivery.
  • Conditions like gestational diabetes or genital herpes need careful monitoring to ensure the best outcome for both mother and baby.

It is important to keep thorough records of your visits with medical professionals, especially during your pregnancy. If your child suffers an injury or defect during birth, you can present the evidence in your possession as possible proof of medical negligence or malpractice.

Receive a Free Consultation

If your infant has a birth injury, we recommend you consult with our experienced medical malpractice law firm. Harris, Powers & Cunningham PLLC has helped families like yours hold doctors and healthcare providers accountable. We provide a no-obligation, free initial consultation. Call 602-910-6779 or send us an e-mail to request your consultation.
