Shawn Cunningham and Frank Powers in front of their law office building

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*Certified Specialist in Serious Injury and Wrongful Death Litigation

Supporting YES DAY! For Autism

On Behalf of | Aug 17, 2021 | Community

YES DAY for autism logo

HPC is proud to support the efforts of the Southwest Autism Research & Resource Center  (SARRC) in Arizona.  SARRC, is a nonprofit established in 1997 dedicated to autism research, education, evidence-based treatment and community outreach in Arizona. Autism spectrum disorder impacts 1 in 54 children in the United States.

Through October 24th, they are raising funds, as well awareness and acceptance of people with autism and their families in our community.  On Sunday, October 24th, they will have a celebration at Tempe State Park with games, activities, vendors, and resource booths.  For more information about Yes Day for Autism, go to
