The point at which a baby is delivered is usually the most intense moment of a pregnancy. But the chances of the delivery being successful are greatly improved by good doctor care in the months leading up to the birth.
Birth injury prevention begins well before the actual delivery. A doctor should educate an expectant mother on what to do to help her developing baby grow in a healthy manner. If a doctor prescribes medications for the mother, he or she must be fully aware of any health issues or allergies the mother possesses. A medication error could gravely impact an infant’s health and well-being.
If during the course of the pregnancy, the mother develops a health condition or becomes ill, the doctor must be able to diagnose and treat the problem correctly. Serious issues could arise should a doctor fail to offer the correct medical response to a mother’s symptoms.
The care of your baby during pregnancy is a responsibility shared by you and your doctor. You need to be able to trust that the advice and treatment you receive will help ensure your baby will start out life strong and in good health. But if the attending doctor in some way fails to fulfill his or her duties and the result is a birth injury, you and your baby could be facing a lifetime of challenges.
A birth injury could leave an infant in need of extended care. If the injury was due to negligence on behalf of a doctor, it is important that the doctor be held in account. At Harris, Powers & Cunningham, our attorneys have experience in handling cases for families whose infants were injured due to negligent acts that were committed by doctors.