Even as weather gets warmer and we get closer to summer, jogging is still an activity that Arizonans enjoy. However, it appears that more joggers are using headphones when they run, which can limit their ability to hear when cars come up behind them or pass by them. For joggers, being aware of one’s surroundings is critically important, as evidenced by an accident involving a runner in Glendale and a driver.
According to media reports, the jogger was running along Beardsley road with a friend in the early hours of Friday morning when the car hit her. The collision left her seriously injured with life-threatening injuries. The driver reportedly stayed at the scene and was cooperating with police. The accident is under investigation, but there are a number of questions that must be answered in order to understand what actually occurred, as well as who could be held liable.
For instance, if the jogger was running in the street, or strayed into the road in a manner that didn’t allow the driver time to react, she may not be able to recover monetary damages. Conversely, if the driver failed to use reasonable care (such as driving too fast or being under the influence of alcohol), his actions could be viewed as being the proximate cause of the jogger’s injuries; thus making him liable and allowing the jogger to bring suit to recover money damages for medical expenses, lost wages, as well as pain and suffering.
It remains to be seen what the impending investigation will yield.
Source: Azcentral.com “Glendale jogger hit by car, has life-threatening injuries,” May 2, 2014