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Medical Malpractice and Catastrophic Injury Attorneys

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Why it is important to document concussion symptoms

On Behalf of | Apr 23, 2014 | Brain Injuries

With today’s emphasis on treating and preventing traumatic brain injuries, it may seem like more people are experiencing them. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that more than two million Americans will go to the hospital this year after suffering TBI, otherwise known as a concussion. Of those who suffer such injuries, 50,000 will pass away. However, a greater number will experience lingering effects that may go untreated.

Despite our many posts on the injuries suffered through auto accidents, concussions can be suffered through a number of instances. Kids who play football and soccer can suffer head injuries, as well as elderly people who lose their balance and fall. Overall, falls are the most common cause of head injuries, followed by being struck by a foreign object, such as a baseball or falling piece of construction material.

Regardless of how a person was injured, figuring out what would be a proper damage award for a head injury can be complicated. After all, not every head injury is the same, and as we noted in a previous post, people can heal differently after suffering a head injury. Because of this, it is essential to document significant personality changes, headaches that persist for long periods of time, irregular sleep patterns, and pupil dilation, as they are prime concussion symptoms. It is not unheard of for symptoms to persist for months and even years.

Moreover, concussions have been linked to a higher probability for Alzheimer’s disease. All of these consequences can be considered when considering a damage award after suffering a concussion.

Source: “Why a head injury can be far worse than you realize,” George Dvorsky, April 1, 2014
