Harris Powers & Cunningham, PLLC Hands-Free Arizona New Law Bans Talking & Texting While Driving IT IS AGAINST THE LAW, WHILE DRIVING, TO: Hold or support a device with your body. Read, write, or send a message via any portable wireless communication device. Scroll through social media, watch videos, record videos, or any other use of the device that causes a distraction and requires use of your body. IT IS NOT AGAINST THE LAW, WHILE DRIVING, TO: Engage and disengage a function on the device such as GPS, and answering or ending a call. Talk on the portable wireless communication device with an earpiece, headphone device, or device worn on the wrist to conduct a voice-based communication. Use a device in an emergency situation to summon help or report a crime. Use a device while stopped at a red light or while parked. PRIMARY OFFENSE Breaking the hands-free law is a primary offense, which will allow officers to pull over drivers for texting while driving even if no other violation has occurred. CIVIL PENALTIES CIVIL FINES FIRST/PRIMARY OFFENSE: $75-$149 SECOND OR SUBSEQUENT OFFENSE: $150-$250 CRIMINAL PENALTIES DRIVERS WHO VIOLATE ARIZONA'S HANDS-FREE LAW MAY BE SUBJECT TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES OF UP TO SIX MONTHS IN JAIL AND A $2,500 FINE FOR CAUSING A CRASH THAT RESULTS IN DEATH OR A SERIOUS INJURY! CONTACT AN ATTORNEY IF YOU WERE THE VICTIM IN A TEXTING AND DRIVING ACCIDENT, THE LAWYERS AT HARRIS POWERS & CUNNINGHAM ARE HERE TO ASSIST YOU. CALL US AT 602-910-6779 TO DISCUSS HOW WE CAN PROVE YOUR CLAIM. YOU CAN ALSO REACH US ONLINE AT WWW.HPCLAWYERS.COM FOR A FREE CONSULTATION